Consulting – Intellectsoft Blog Thu, 11 Jul 2024 16:21:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Consulting – Intellectsoft Blog 32 32 Maximize Your Business Potential with Cross-platform Mobile App Development Thu, 11 Jul 2024 12:26:12 +0000 The concept of cross-platform app development can often be confusing. A major source of this confusion is the term “platform,” which can mean different things:...

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The concept of cross-platform app development can often be confusing. A major source of this confusion is the term “platform,” which can mean different things: hardware types like mobile phones or desktop computers, platform mobile development frameworks,or operating systems like Windows, Linux, iOS, or Android. This variety of meanings often leads to misreadings.

Let’s start by clarifying that cross-platform approaches differ between desktop and mobile devices. For mobile apps, the main idea is to use a single reusable codebase for all platforms. This isn’t always the case for desktop software and consoles, where different versions might require different codebases.

Additionally, some experts use “cross-platform” and “hybrid” interchangeably, but this isn’t entirely accurate for mobile platforms. In this article, we’ll highlight the benefits of cross platform mobile development and clarify the differences between these two types of mobile applications.

It’s also worth noting that progressive web applications (PWAs) can be considered “cross-platform” because they work across various platforms and operating systems through web browsers. While they can run on mobile devices, they aren’t built exclusively for mobile platforms. That’s why we won’t cover them here.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a clearer understanding of cross platform mobile app development frameworks and how it can benefit your projects. Let’s dive in!

What Is Cross-Platform App Development for Mobile Devices

When we talk about “cross platform mobile development,” we’re referring to one of the ways to build software for mobile devices and multiple platforms. Overall, there are three main approaches to mobile application development, each with its own pros and cons:

  • Cross-platform. This type of software works on different mobile platforms. What makes it special is that a cross platform app typically uses a single codebase. Most of the code is shared or reused for different mobile operating systems. Specialized frameworks enable this, helping developers reduce the limitations while still providing a “native-like” user experience.
  • Native. This type of application is written exclusively for one particular platform. It is designed to utilize all relevant software and hardware features available on that platform. Because developers focus on one mobile platform, the same code cannot be reused on other platforms.
  • Hybrid. This approach to mobile app development combines native and web technologies. Developers write the code in web development languages like CSS or HTML. Then, they wrap this code in a “native” shell. Hybrid apps are very similar to cross platform apps. The differences between them are often subtle. Because of this, many specialists treat them the same for simplicity.

cross platform mobile development

There are only two operating systems that dominate the industry of mobile devices: Android and iOS. Together, they cover over 99% of the market, making other operating systems almost irrelevant. That’s why, these days, when we talk about a “cross-platform mobile application,” we usually mean software that works on both Android and iOS devices.

Main Advantages of Cross-platform Mobile App Development

  • One code for all platforms. The main concept of cross-platform mobile apps is using a single codebase, fully or partially, on all target platforms. While “reusable code” has its limitations, it also leads to several further benefits.
  • Lower costs to cover platforms. “One code fits all” is a cost-effective approach that maximizes a limited budget. With cross-platform development, there’s no need for two dedicated teams to handle separate Android and iOS versions. Plus, native app developers charge more and are hard to come by. Using a single team with one stack of technologies for both platforms not only simplifies the process but also significantly cuts costs.
  • Less time to deliver a final software product. Using one codebase and one team simplifies the software development process compared with managing two teams at the same time. For example, managers do not need to synchronize the progress of two teams to release the software product on iOS and Android at the same time. Two native versions of an app would mean double coding, double testing, etc.
  • Larger user coverage. Thanks to cross platform mobile development, an application can reach more users. This approach offers a sufficient level of compatibility for different operating systems. It also maintains some level of “native” experience, so users feel more comfortable with their interaction with an app. That’s why cross-platform development is preferred if a project’s budget is not large enough to build two separate native applications.

Popular Cross platform Mobile Development Tools and Technologies

Over the years, developers have created many tools for building cross-platform applications. Here are the top 5 most popular frameworks that are currently used for mobile solutions for this purpose:

cross platform frameworks

React Native

Pros: React Native, created by Meta in 2015, has taken the app development world by storm. Its ability to render React components to native platform UI components gives the power to create slick, customized, and responsive user interfaces. It also supports operating systems for smart TV, such as tvOS and Android TV, and virtual reality devices.

Flexibility, modular architecture, and extensive third-party library support are just a few of React Native’s appealing features. These traits make it an attractive choice for many cross platform app developers, enabling the creation of some of the most famous and profitable mobile apps, including Facebook, Skype, Shopify, and Microsoft Office

Cons: While React Native provides the significant advantage of cross-platform development and a vibrant community, it does come with several drawbacks. Performance can be an issue, especially for complex, resource-intensive apps, due to the JavaScript-native code bridge. Limited native API support often requires custom native modules or third-party libraries, adding to the complexity. 


Pros: Its versatility and performance make it a popular choice, as seen with apps like Google Pay and eBay. Flutter offers great performance and a native look to apps. Flutter also supports smooth animations with a stable refresh rate of 60/120 frames per second, depending on the device. Unlike other frameworks, Flutter has its rendering engine for drawing widgets, not relying on web browser technology.

Cons: On the downside, Flutter’s use of Dart can be a hurdle. Frontend developers might find it easier to switch to React Native, especially if they have React experience, while Java or C# developers may find Dart more familiar. Due to the Flutter engine, initial app sizes can be relatively large. Although Flutter’s ecosystem is growing, it’s not as extensive as more established cross platform frameworks like React Native. 

Apache Cordova

Pros: Apache Cordova is a go-to framework for mobile platforms, supporting Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. It lets developers build mobile apps using familiar web technologies like CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, making it easy for web developers to transition to mobile development. Using native WebView allows seamless integration with native device capabilities through plugins. Companies like IBM, Walmart, and Adobe use Apache Cordova in their stack.

Cons: Performance can be an issue since it relies on WebView, which might not match the speed and responsiveness of native components. Its focus on mobile platforms is somewhat restrictive compared to cross platform frameworks supporting a wider range of devices and OSs. Additionally, managing plugins for native functionality can add complexity and potential compatibility issues.


Pros: Though Ionic focuses on building hybrid apps, it ranks as the fourth most popular cross-platform framework. Ionic supports Android, iOS, and the Universal Windows Platform. It combines web code like Sass, CSS, and HTML with native code, providing flexibility. Ionic’s extensive library of pre-designed components and powerful CLI make creating visually appealing, functional apps easy. Using Angular or React for app logic enhances development with structured, scalable code. Southwest Airlines and Airbus Helicopters are famous adopters of the Ionic framework. 

Cons: Ionic apps can face performance issues compared to fully native apps, especially for complex or graphics-intensive applications. The reliance on web technologies means that app performance is tied to WebView performance. Despite Ionic’s strong cross-platform capabilities, developers may still need to write platform-specific code for the best performance and user experience.


Pros: Xamarin, maintained by Microsoft, rounds out the top five popular tools for building cross-platform apps for Android, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, the Universal Windows Platform, and macOS. It allows cross platform app developers to reuse and share code across platforms using C# and .NET, which is especially beneficial for those familiar with Microsoft’s ecosystem. Xamarin ensures apps have native performance and access to native APIs, making them feel and function like native applications. Siemens and Pinterest use this framework.

Cons: Xamarin apps can be larger in size. While this framework offers strong cross-platform capabilities, it has a steeper learning curve for developers who need to become more familiar with C# and NET. Additionally, some advanced platform-specific features might require writing custom native code, which can limit the benefits of code sharing. Dependence on Microsoft’s tools and ecosystem might also be a drawback for some development teams.

Tips For Developing Mobile Cross-platform Software

There are several factors you need to consider before deciding to create cross platform apps.

  • Your target audience. Should you cover both Android and iOS? Is it better to narrow down your audience?
  • Your budget. Will it be enough for two teams or only one?
  • Your potential development team. Does it have enough specialists? What tech stacks do they use?
  • Your time to market. When would be the optimal time to release your software? Can a team meet this deadline?

Do marketing research. Analyze your plans. Find answers to these questions before moving to development.

To sum up, you should consider cross-platform development instead of a native app development approach when:

  • You lack budget for two native apps;
  • You need to release your software as fast as possible;
  • You need to cover both Android and iOS at the same time.

However, the benefits of cross-platform app development come at a price. If you decide to develop a cross-platform mobile app, you need to consider certain drawbacks.

  • Lower performance compared to native apps.
  • More testing is required to ensure compatibility with several versions of different mobile operating systems.
  • Inability to use the full extent of hardware and software features provided natively.
  • Higher maintenance requirements to adapt to system updates on all target platforms.

Properly choosing cross-platform mobile app development technologies can mitigate all those drawbacks to a certain degree. A skilled team will be able to maximize the selected framework and other tools to ensure good quality.


As you can see, cross platform mobile development process can be confusing at first glance. But once you learn more about it, you become impressed by its numerous advantages. Modern frameworks for cross-platform development are supported by such IT giants as Google, Microsoft, Meta, and many others. Thanks to the efforts of the loyal community, these tools have become very effective in delivering native-like experience across various platforms.

At Intellectsoft, we have skilled specialists in various cross-platform technologies. We offer a wide range of mobile app development services to create software for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. Whether you want to release your application on all these platforms as separate native apps or just one, we can deliver the solution. Contact us and tell our solution advisor what kind of native or cross-platform mobile application you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can cross-platform apps offer the same performance as native apps?

Cross-platform apps have come a long way and can offer performance close to native apps, especially with modern frameworks like React Native. While native apps are still the best in terms of performance and user experience, cross-platform development is a great alternative. It allows for quicker development, lower costs, and easier maintenance. For many businesses, the small drop in performance is worth these benefits, making cross-platform development a smart and efficient choice.

What is the cross-platform development cost?

The cost of cross-platform development varies based on several factors, including the complexity of the app, the required features, expertise of the cross platform app developers, and the chosen cross platform frameworks. Reach out to our team to explore the development process and prices for your project.

Are there any security concerns with cross-platform development?

Yes, cross-platform development can have security issues because of shared code and third-party libraries. However, working with a tech partner like Intellectsoft can help you avoid these risks. We conduct regular audits, use trusted libraries, follow consistent security practices, and leverage the expertise of our development team.

Can existing native apps be converted to cross-platform apps?

No, the developer needs to rewrite an existing native application to a cross-platform technology. This process, often referred to as application migration, employs cross platform frameworks to create a cross platform solution that works on multiple platforms.

The post Maximize Your Business Potential with Cross-platform Mobile App Development appeared first on Intellectsoft Blog.

CRM vs ERP: Choosing the Right Solution for Your Business Mon, 24 Jun 2024 19:42:28 +0000 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) are both crucial systems for any business, regardless of size. Zendesk, a pioneer in customer service...

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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) are both crucial systems for any business, regardless of size.

Zendesk, a pioneer in customer service solutions, simply states that these systems become indispensable as organizations develop: 

“Given enough time and growth, most organizations will need an ERP and a CRM.

But what do these 3 letter acronyms actually mean? How do they ensure the success of your business?

There’s little disagreement regarding CRM and ERP use in the business world. Approximately three-quarters of all businesses employ an ERP system to interact with customers in real-time, while two-thirds adopt a CRM within their early years.

These numbers mean that both technologies are widely adopted and also signal recognition of the strategic value inherent in such systems.

Each addresses different aspects of operations; yet when used together, they create powerful leverage for any company’s progression in terms of efficiency, scalability, and competitive edge.

What is a CRM?

CRM, short for Customer Relationship Management, refers to the systems designed to keep track of a company’s engagements with current and future customers. CRM systems act as a central hub where all customer-related information is stored, making it easier for businesses to nurture their relationships with clients.

With CRM software in place, repetitive tasks are automated, which allows employees to focus on providing higher-quality service. This enhances the efficiency of processes from marketing campaigns right through to sales activities and after-sales support.

By keeping detailed records of customer interactions, CRMs provide valuable insights that help tailor communication and services precisely matched to client needs. The ultimate aim is to foster stronger connections with customers by being relevant and responsive – attributes known for driving loyalty and repeat business.

Effectively employed CRM tools enable organizations not just to manage contacts but also to make strategic decisions based on solid data analysis. Such informed decision-making can lead directly towards more successful outcomes both internally within operations management as well as externally regarding market presence.

The Benefits of a CRM System

Implementing a CRM offers several key advantages for business:

  • Elevated Customer Support: CRM tools act as an aggregate for customer information from both outside and inside the organization. Information is consolidated into one accessible platform, which allows for a more personalized service experience
  • Boosted Sales Performance: Analytics information provided by the CRM means sales teams can identify promising leads and trends with far greater precision. When focusing on these prospects, they greatly increase the chances of turning inquiries into profitable outcomes.
  • Improved Customer Retention: Access to trends analysis performed by the CRM provides valuable insights into consumer behavior. A business may utilize this knowledge to retain its client base, and also increase brand loyalty.

What is an ERP?

Enterprise Resource Planning, better known as ERP, is a comprehensive software platform that helps businesses manage and connect the many facets of their operations. 

Think of it like the central nervous system for a company’s data and processes. It brings together finance, supply chain management, operations, reporting functions, manufacturing capabilities, and human resource tasks under one roof.

The key aim of having an ERP system is to break down silos between departments. By allowing free-flowing communication within an organization, and with its business partners, ERP ensures everyone has access to up-to-date information they need when they need it.

This kind of coordination can significantly boost decision-making abilities as you have all your actionable data in one accessible spot. 

Additionally, by streamlining workflows and automating certain administrative tasks through this centralized approach, companies often find marked improvements in efficiency and productivity.

ERP also plays an important role in helping organizations keep pace with compliance requirements set by various regulatory bodies. Tasks are made simpler when all relevant info is easily reachable within a unified system.

The Benefits of an ERP System

ERP systems unify multiple aspects of a business into a single interface, which simplifies many day-to-day operations:

  • Cost Efficiency: Streamlining processes and reducing the costs of administration and operations with an ERP leads to significant savings.
  • Improved Productivity: Naturally, when all tools used by the business are integrated into one single system, efficiency and productivity are greatly enhanced. 
  • Better Decision Making: An ERP system provides operational data in real-time, meaning strategic planning and decision-making can be made based on accurate and consolidated information.

CRM vs ERP: The Key Differences

The major difference between CRM and ERP systems lies within their core function in the business:

  • CRM focuses primarily on the “front-end” or “front-office”. It manages the interactions with customers and sales prospects across various communication channels.
  • ERP, in contrast, focuses on integrating “back-end”, or internal information across the entire business.

This CRM vs ERP table illustrates the difference between ERP and CRM more clearly, and compares the typical use cases for each system:

CRM vs ERP: the key difference

ERP vs CRM: Exploring the Similarities 


At their core, ERP and CRM systems serve as pivotal instruments for organizational achievement due to a shared foundation in several key areas:

Centralized Data 

CRM and ERP stand out for their ability to bring data under one roof. This centralization provides data for decision-makers who need current and uniform information across all business units.

Efficiency in Operations

Streamlining internal processes with ERP and CRM systems creates an environment where time-consuming tasks are automated, teams work cohesively, and the overall machinery of your company operates without unnecessary friction.

Insightful Reporting 

In terms of analytics with ERP vs CRM, both types of systems provide powerful reporting utilities that peel back layers on operational dynamics and customer engagements. These insights are fuel for developing forward-thinking strategies that align with both market trends and resource allocation.

Productivity Enhancement 

At their essence, ERP and CRM tools increase customer engagement, but ERP platforms orchestrate resource management. Both paths lead toward elevating organizational productivity, not incrementally but significantly.

Integrating CRM and ERP

Combining your CRM and ERP systems has the potential to revolutionize your business operations by bringing together customer interaction and internal processes. 

To ensure a successful integration, it is essential to follow steps that will align activities, data, and processes throughout your company with the two separate systems.

1. Prepare for CRM and ERP Integration  

Begin by establishing a plan that clearly outlines your objectives. Set the boundaries for integration and determine beforehand the specific data to be exchanged between the two platforms. Develop an analysis detailing the effects of the transition, on existing procedures.

2. Keep Data in Sync  

All data between the two platforms needs to be synchronized. Use specifically designed tools and middleware that can automate and check this ongoing process and reduce data duplication during the ERP and CRM integration process. 

3. Align Workflows  

Creating an integration between CRM and ERP systems requires outlining procedures that cover areas in both platforms. For example, order fulfillment and customer service

The aim is to establish operations that eliminate the need for input, in transferring data or finishing assignments.

4. Testing and Validation 

Before the launch, make sure to examine the integrated systems. Confirm that data moves smoothly between CRM and ERP systems and that all processes are working correctly. Testing in real-life scenarios is crucial at this point in order to identify any integration issues before the integration goes to production.

5. User Training and Support  

Once the two systems are successfully integrated, synced, and functional with the business, it’s time to train your existing users and staff in the operation of the new platform.

Continuous support is crucial at this stage to help staff adapt to the integrated ERP and CRM systems.

6. Review and Iterate 

After the integration goes live, a post-implementation monitoring of the system is required. This includes soliciting user feedback on a regular and ongoing basis. 

This feedback should be used to make adjustments and tweak the environment, which will improve the integration over time. These regular adjustments will reduce in frequency over time.

ERP vs CRM: What Should You Choose?

When deciding between a CRM or ERP system, it’s important to consider your business needs. If you’re interested in building customer connections, enhancing service quality, and driving up sales numbers, a CRM is the way to go. 

It’s tailored to cater to your customers, improving interactions supporting marketing campaigns, and streamlining services—all of which can lead to increased sales.

On the other hand, if your company is looking for an all-in-one solution that integrates functional areas such as HR, logistics, or finance, then an ERP system might be more suitable. 

ERP excels at bringing together data and processes in one place. They are crucial for businesses aiming to improve efficiency while reducing expenses. 

Regardless of choice, a CRM or ERP system handles management tasks more efficiently. These systems simplify intricate operations across your organization and enhance collaboration among different departments.

Choosing a Trusted Custom CRM Development Partner

Should you wish to experience enhanced employee efficiency, improved customer satisfaction, and consistent increases in sales performance, consider integrating a CRM platform into your business strategy.

Intellectsoft stands as a comprehensive software development company enriched by years of crafting CRM solutions tailored for businesses across the spectrum. 

Whether you’re migrating to a brand new platform, or requiring a CRM built from the ground up, our experts at Intellectsoft are equipped with the knowledge, expertise, and experience to support you through the entire process.

Summing Up

When deciding between a CRM or ERP system, it’s important to consider your company’s requirements and long-term objectives. 

Whether you aim to enhance customer interactions or optimize workflows, grasping the differences between CRM and ERP is crucial for making a well-informed choice.

The post CRM vs ERP: Choosing the Right Solution for Your Business appeared first on Intellectsoft Blog.

A Comprehensive CRM Implementation Guide in 2024 Tue, 11 Jun 2024 16:45:32 +0000 “CRM is your GPS to a better route on your Business Development journey.” ― Bobby Darnell Companies that use customer relationship management (CRM) systems have...

The post A Comprehensive CRM Implementation Guide in 2024 appeared first on Intellectsoft Blog.

“CRM is your GPS to a better route on your Business Development journey.”Bobby Darnell

Companies that use customer relationship management (CRM) systems have experienced a 47% increase in customer retention rate, a 21% improvement in productivity, 16% higher customer retention, and a 17% boost in lead conversions. So if you are a business owner looking to improve customer relationships and streamline internal processes, this article is for you. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various aspects of custom CRM implementation, from the process to its benefits.

While it takes 13 months to see an ROI from this tech investment, the $45 per dollar spent is well worth the wait.

Advantages of a Custom-Built CRM

Because every business is unique, custom solutions offer tailored features that can create the best experience for their specific customers. Unlike ready-made CRMs, which come with unnecessary features, choosing custom solutions allows you to build the exact functionalities your teams need, saving money in the process.

Big brands have already adopted custom-built CRMs in favor of pre-made ones.

For example, Apple and Uber use custom-built CRMs to drive sales and customer engagement.

Amazon’s own CRM captures customer data at the point of purchase, instantly customizing the user experience and providing a full view of the customer journey. This helps reduce returns and cart abandonment.

Similarly, Tesla started using its own CRM in 2019. Today, the company boasts the highest customer satisfaction rate in the car manufacturing industry according to Consumer Reports. Ninety-one percent of Tesla owners are more likely to rave about their vehicles than other brands, partly due to their in-house developed sales software.

Overcoming Challenges with Tech Partner

While custom-built CRMs can present challenges such as higher costs, longer development times, and maintenance complexities, these can be effectively managed with the right approach. To circumvent these challenges smoothly, partner with a software provider specializing in custom software, such as Intellectsoft

What is a CRM Implementation?

Beyond just setting up software, CRM implementation is a strategic move towards better understanding and managing your interactions with current and future customers. It’s a holistic process that entails meticulously configuring the software to align with your unique business needs, ensuring that every customer interaction is captured, analyzed, and leveraged to foster stronger relationships. Your CRM implementation plan shall begin with a deep dive into your business-specific requirements and goals.

Choosing your CRM development partner is next, and it’s a decision that should not be taken lightly. This is where expertise meets execution. Partnering with a company that not only understands the intricacies of CRM systems but also appreciates the unique challenges and opportunities within your industry can make a significant difference.

Before hiring a developer, make sure they are capable of tailoring the CRM to fit your unique business requirements. A one-size-fits-all approach simply does not apply to CRM systems. Your development partner must also bring the training aspect to the table. Onboarding your team to effectively utilize the CRM system according to their respective roles is a pivotal part of the implementation.

And the final step, which is not an endpoint but a commitment to continuous evolution. Regular monitoring and evaluation of the CRM system’s performance against your objectives allow for timely adjustments and optimizations.

Let’s explore the details of the implementation steps in the next section.

CRM Implementation Process: 6 Steps to Success

CRM implementation is a multifaceted undertaking that necessitates a roadmap marked with critical milestones to ensure a smooth transition and alignment with your business goals. This roadmap is not just a path but a strategic blueprint for transforming customer relationship management within your organization.

Below are the six essential steps to navigate this journey successfully:

Step 1: Identify CRM Goals

Delineate what you aim to achieve, whether it’s enhancing customer engagement, improving customer interactions, optimizing sales processes, or refining marketing strategies. Having crystal-clear goals sets a targeted direction for the implementation process.

This stage is crucial as it establishes the foundation for the entire process. Setting objectives early on guides the entire procedure so that every decision aligns with your business aspirations.

Step 2: Consider Required CRM Integrations

Assessing your current operational workflows and technology stack is imperative before introducing a new CRM system. Evaluating the current ecosystem shows potential problems and chances to streamline. It confirms the new CRM system can blend into it.

This is where you pinpoint the applications your CRM needs to synchronize with, such as email platforms, social media channels, and customer service tools. The goal is to establish seamless data flow and functionality across all operational areas. After all, a CRM is supposed to enhance efficiency and provide a unified view of customer interactions.

When you have created a cohesive ecosystem where data flows freely, you will be able to provide your team with the insights they need to make informed decisions.

Step 3: Choose Your CRM Development Partner

The right partner not only brings technical prowess but also possesses a deep understanding and extensive experience in the following:

Data Management

A good CRM software vendor delivers cutting-edge techniques like advanced data management, predictive analytics, and smart automation. They must be knowledgeable in tapping into the latest technology trends, such as Big Data, AI, Machine Learning, and Blockchain, to stay at the forefront.

Software Integration

Choose a company that can enhance your technological foundations through the development of robust microservices, dependable API structures, and seamless data integration techniques. You can propel your strategic objectives forward if they are capable of creating comprehensive enterprise applications or leveraging enterprise app integration solutions to streamline your operations and foster innovation.

Legacy Application Modernization

Outdated software not only poses significant security risks but also demands high maintenance costs. Engage leading experts to conduct comprehensive reviews of your systems and upgrade them with cutting-edge tools and technologies for enhanced performance and security.

Step 4: Customize for Tailored Solutions

Customizing a CRM system involves adjusting features, functionalities, and interfaces to align with your workflows, user needs, and overall business strategy. It requires a detailed checklist that enables you to create a configured design that delivers on its promise to enhance your business operations and customer relationships.

Instituting a governance framework will also provide guidelines on how the CRM system should be used and maintained. This typically includes standards and procedures for data management, user access, customization, and system updates that guarantee your CRM initiative’s long-term sustainability.

Step 5: Empower Teams with Training

The success of a CRM implementation heavily relies on user adoption. It’s not just about knowing which buttons to click but also understanding how to leverage the system to enhance customer interactions and drive business growth.

Providing comprehensive training sessions ensures your team is well-equipped to unleash the full potential of the system. This empowerment not only enhances efficiency but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

Step 6: Ongoing Assessment and Adaptation

No enterprise is static, so your CRM system shouldn’t be either. Establish an iterative process that ensures it remains agile, responsive, and aligned with your evolving business needs. For example, conduct weekly performance reviews of your CRM system to track its efficiency. Also, consider utilizing CRM analytics tools should be utilized to gauge user adoption and the system’s effectiveness in achieving business goals.

Always be open to incorporating new functionalities as the CRM vendor releases updates or your business needs shift. Regular employee feedback can also be invaluable in spotting areas of the CRM system that need tweaking for better performance.

Navigate these steps with precision and strategic foresight, and you will pave the way for a CRM implementation that not only meets but exceeds your expectations and drives your business toward enhanced customer-centricity and operational excellence.

Remember, effective CRM implementation is not just about technology but also about strategically aligning such technology with your business goals and customer needs.

Importance of CRM Implementation

In essence, CRM implementation is an investment in a strategic framework that transcends mere technological adoption by representing a strategic pivot toward a more engaged and insightful business model. It empowers your business to:

  • be more responsive, agile, and customer-focused
  • deepen the understanding of customer needs, preferences, and behaviors
  • anticipate customer desires and tailor interactions to individual expectations
  • build enduring relationships that drive loyalty and growth
  • commit to operational excellence
  • enable teams across sales, marketing, and customer service to work more coherently and efficiently

A well-implemented CRM system provides a unified platform that fosters collaboration and enhances the ability to act on data-driven insights. Consequently, you will achieve improved internal workflows, better customer experience, and a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Benefits of CRM Software Implementation

While implementing a CRM system is considered an operational upgrade, it’s actually a strategic investment that yields a high return over time in terms of catalyzing business growth and customer rapport improvement.

These are the changes your organization can expect post-implementation:

Precision in Sales Forecasting

CRM systems offer a granular view of sales trends and customer behaviors. This predictive prowess enables your business to craft strategies that are both responsive and anticipatory. As a result, you are staying a step ahead of market dynamics.

Enhancement of Customer Service

With a comprehensive CRM, customer interactions are no longer siloed but part of a continuum. Hence, support teams are able to deliver personalized and contextually relevant assistance. Doing so not only boosts customer satisfaction but also nurtures loyalty and retention.

Efficiency in Communication

Yet another advantage is breaking down barriers between departments, which streamlines internal communication and collaboration. Such a unified approach ensures that all team members are on the same page, marching cohesively towards common business goals.

Automation of Repetitive Tasks

Liberating your team from the mundane and routine everyday tasks allows them to focus on initiatives that drive business growth. This shift optimizes resource allocation while boosting employee morale as they engage in more meaningful and impactful work.

Highly Targeted Marketing Campaigns

Marketing efforts based on robust data analysis resonate with the intended audience, thus maximizing impact and return on investment.

As you can see, CRM software implementation touches every aspect of your business, from sales and customer service to internal workflows and marketing. This indispensable investment simultaneously propels operational excellence and promotes a customer-centric organization.

Wrapping Up

This guide has walked you through the essential steps in the planning, execution, and deployment of a CRM implementation strategy, underscoring the importance and benefits of adopting a CRM system tailored to your business needs.

Adding this software to your current tech stack guarantees to enhance customer relationships and elevate operational efficiencies. However, the system’s success greatly depends on the willingness of your team to adopt it. Statistics show that while 65% of businesses use CRM within the first five years of operations, less than 40% achieve full adoption. That’s why you should commission a vendor that is capable of training users from various departments of your company who perform different roles.

Partnering with a seasoned expert like Intellectsoft ensures not only a smooth transition but also an optimized integration of CRM into your business landscape. Our expertise in enterprise software development covers the full life cycle of application design, integration, and management.

We are experienced in deploying this technology through the construction, healthcare, dental, insurance, FinTech, logistics and automotive, travel and hospitality, and retail and e-commerce industries. Discover how our custom CRM software implementation helped a dental clinic scale new heights in this case study. For a deeper dive into how Intellectsoft can future-proof your business operations, visit our services page.

The post A Comprehensive CRM Implementation Guide in 2024 appeared first on Intellectsoft Blog.

The UK-Ukraine TechBridge: Intellectsoft Creates A Work Group To Build A Global Digital Infrastructure Mon, 22 Jan 2024 14:13:59 +0000 The new program TechBridge, launched by the governments of Ukraine and the UK, marks the beginning of the next-generation digital infrastructure distributed across Europe and...

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The new program TechBridge, launched by the governments of Ukraine and the UK, marks the beginning of the next-generation digital infrastructure distributed across Europe and beyond. We spoke to Yevhen Kulinichenko, Chief Engineering Officer of Intellectsoft, the technology partner of Fortune 500 companies including EY, Nestle, and Jaguar. Yevhen talked about their latest trials aimed at enhancing software development processes by incorporating generative AI assistance.

ChatGPT has gained a reputation as a transformative tool that reshapes certain aspects of our development processes. IT professionals are using it to automate and streamline specific tasks, such as assisting in writing test cases or providing quick solutions to common coding problems. On the business side, ChatGPT assists in rapid prototyping and ideation phases, where its ability to generate coherent, context-aware text can significantly speed up the initial stages of development. However, its effectiveness is constrained by the scope of its training and its lack of deep, project-specific context. It can suggest but not validate, nor can it understand the nuanced requirements of complex, custom software solutions.

Intellectsoft’s Center of Excellence (CoE) is an innovation hub where our technical teams conduct experiments and test new approaches. 

This interview covers our expert’s perspective on the use of AI, specifically focusing on GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models and their applications, limitations, and impacts on software development. 

Let’s dive right in! What are your plans for contributing to the TechBridge project?

Yevhen Kulinichenko: My plans for contributing to the TechBridge project are strategically focused on leveraging our technological expertise to maximize the project’s success while ensuring alignment with our broader business objectives. Firstly, we intend to deploy a cross-functional team of our best engineers and developers, who will work closely with the TechBridge project stakeholders. This team will not only bring in-depth technical knowledge but also a profound understanding of agile methodologies to ensure rapid and efficient project development.

A key aspect of our contribution will be the integration of advanced technologies like AI and cloud computing to enhance the project’s capabilities. For instance, we plan to utilize AI algorithms to analyze and optimize data flow, ensuring efficient processing and storage of data. Cloud computing resources will be leveraged for scalable infrastructure, ensuring the project can adapt to changing demands seamlessly.

Moreover, we are committed to fostering an environment of innovation and collaboration. We’ll encourage our team to engage in creative problem-solving sessions and think-tank workshops with other TechBridge participants. This collaborative approach is designed to not only contribute our ideas but also to learn from the diverse perspectives and expertise within the TechBridge community.

Lastly, we recognize the importance of sustainability in technology. Therefore, our involvement will also focus on developing sustainable and environmentally friendly technology solutions. We’ll explore and implement green computing practices to minimize the environmental impact of our technological contributions.

In summary, we plan to contribute a blend of technical excellence, innovative thinking, collaborative engagement, security-conscious practices, and a commitment to sustainability to the TechBridge program. We aim to help set a foundation for its long-term success and growth.

You mentioned AI implementation as a focus area. Can you expand on that?

Yevhen Kulinichenko: We want to build on the experience that we already have. In 2023, we conducted experiments on improving software development processes by implementing generative AI assistance. Results are still being finalized, but we’ve identified dozens of scenarios where ChatGPT can be safely utilized to streamline delivery and facilitate problem-solving. 

As we delve deeper into the utilization of ChatGPT in software development, we’re uncovering its profound potential in augmenting our coding processes. For instance, when dealing with boilerplate code, ChatGPT can swiftly generate templates for commonly used code structures in various programming languages like Python or JavaScript, significantly reducing repetitive tasks. We’ve experimented with using it to draft initial versions of RESTful API endpoints, where it considers standard practices and even suggests appropriate HTTP methods and response codes. 

We’ve also started leveraging ChatGPT for debugging assistance. By describing a bug in natural language, the model can suggest potential causes and solutions, drawing from a wide range of similar issues it has learned from. This doesn’t replace a developer’s expertise but acts as an additional tool to accelerate problem-solving. Thus, while ChatGPT is a game-changer in certain aspects of software development, it works best as a complement to human skills, enhancing productivity and quickly highlighting some basic blind spots or standard reusable patterns. However, it still cannot handle the complex logic, style, or requirements.

Can ChatGPT handle tasks requiring senior-level expertise?

Yevhen Kulinichenko: ChatGPT is limited in creating novel solutions. It works by learning from vast amounts of text data to generate plausible word combinations. However, it neither invents nor actually comprehends ideas. It is still a mathematical algorithm that arranges words according to numeric probabilities. There is no independent consciousness that is inherent to human intelligence. ChatGPT’s utility is rather in quick recommendations based on existing knowledge.

How does ChatGPT compare with development environment tools like PyCharm?

Yevhen Kulinichenko: That’s an interesting question. Indeed, Integrated Development Environments (IDE) like PyCharm offer tools like code completion, debugging, and context-aware refactoring options that consider the entire project structure. What’s more, It can adapt to the style and requirements of the codebase it’s working with.

Meanwhile, ChatGPT’s understanding of software languages and programming concepts is broad but can be superficial. It lacks the ability to understand the deeper context of a software project, such as project-specific architectures, dependencies, or the state of the current codebase. It can assist in generating code snippets, providing documentation references, or even suggesting solutions to coding problems. Still, it’s limited to the data that it’s trained on and doesn’t attend to the entire code structure and its state in real time like IDEs.

Are there any concerns about the misuse of ChatGPT?

Yevhen Kulinichenko: Yes, there’s a risk of misuse, especially if ChatGPT provides information based on public data that could be harmful. The potential for misuse of technologies like ChatGPT forms a crucial part of our risk assessment and management strategy. There’s always a possibility of inappropriate information being fed into AI models with malicious intent.

For example, in the software development realm, we can talk about the potential for intellectual property theft or inadvertent leakage. ChatGPT, when fed with sensitive data, could incorporate this information into its outputs, leading to data breaches. As a result, proprietary code or business logic could be exposed. So, for now, my recommendation is to refrain from trying to fix the code in ChatGPT or copy-pasting any information that might be considered sensitive. And since chatGPT 4 can now crawl the web, make sure your websites and social media accounts are properly protected as well.

Moreover, there’s the risk of psychological dependency on AI. Over-reliance of IT professionals on ChatGPT for code generation or problem-solving could lead to a degradation of fundamental skills. I think it’s vital to use such tools to augment, not replace, human expertise, ensuring that core development skills are retained and nurtured within the team.

Finally, what’s your perspective on the future of ChatGPT and AI in collaborative programs like TechBridge?

Yevhen Kulinichenko: Looking to the future, I anticipate significant advancements in tools like ChatGPT, particularly in their integration with more and more traditional software development tools and environments. We’re likely to see more sophisticated versions that offer better contextual understanding and can interact dynamically with existing codebases, potentially offering more nuanced and targeted suggestions, which will help us quickly scale and efficiently maintain global digital infrastructures

These advancements could lead to models that not only assist in code generation but also play a role in code review processes, offering intelligent insights based on coding best practices and even specific project history. Furthermore, as AI models become more adept at understanding and generating human languages, they will become invaluable in bridging communication gaps between technical and non-technical stakeholders, facilitating a clearer understanding of project goals and requirements. This evolution will require a shift in how we perceive these tools, not just as assistants but as integral components of our software development ecosystems, enhancing both efficiency and creativity.

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Cloud Computing in Software Development Thu, 18 May 2023 13:01:33 +0000 The evolution of software development technologies brings quality-of-life improvements and changes the habits of developers. Cloud computing is one of the most astounding and impactful...

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The evolution of software development technologies brings quality-of-life improvements and changes the habits of developers. Cloud computing is one of the most astounding and impactful results of such evolution. In many ways, it changed modern life, similar to the introduction of Wi-fi technologies to the world of landline Internet. In terms of convenience, performance, accessibility, security, and many other aspects, cloud computing was a huge leap forward in comparison to conventional technologies.

What is Cloud Computing

Cloud technologies allow users to access required facilities and services, such as computational or storage resources, using network connections, usually via the Internet. This greatly reduces the need for servers and other hardware located on the premises. Instead, if users or clients require such resources, they may connect to data centers that “rent” access to their hardware.

What is cloud computing

So, in layman’s terms, the “cloud” is a number of data centers that contain many servers. When information is stored “in the cloud,” it means that it is kept on special servers configured for this purpose. If a software application is deployed “in the cloud,” it runs using the computational resources of one or several servers.

Thanks to cloud services, software developers can create and use a remote distributed infrastructure. This infrastructure can be tailored and easily amended according to the current needs of the development team. Cloud service providers usually have flexible plans and pricing models. Most providers have data centers around the world to offer the best possible speed and accessibility regardless of users’ location.

Sources of cloud computing in software engineering

When developers create a cloud-based application, they essentially split its structure into two parts. The server-side part is deployed on a cloud server in a data center. The client-side part can be installed on a user device in the form of a software program using an installation executable file or a software distribution service that is pre-built in an operating system, such as Google Play in Android, Windows Store in Windows, Apple Store in iOs, and so on. As an alternative, cloud-based apps can be accessed using web browsers without any additional software.

Depending on the ownership and access policies, clouds can be private, public, or hybrid. Private clouds are quite expensive and require extensive management and maintenance. Because of that, they lose some advantages of cloud computing, namely the high flexibility and cost efficiency of public clouds. However, they are essential when a company needs to build a closed digital environment with high levels of control and security. Most often, this is required to prevent leaks of confidential information, for example, in Healthcare, Fintech, research and development (R&D), and other areas.

Models and Practices of Cloud Deployment

The choice of a cloud deployment model depends on the requirements of the deployed software. Those involve the amount of needed resources, the specific infrastructure, such as an operating system, databases, application libraries, runtimes, servers, and so on. Most commonly, providers offer three choices:

Models of cloud computing for software developers

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

This is the largest option that gives more freedom and control to software developers. The infrastructure usually involves running a virtual machine with the help of hypervisor software. It comprises computing capabilities, data storage, networking means, load balancers, and other physical and virtual resources. As a popular alternative to hypervisors, a Linux system kernel with isolated containers can be used.

Basically, IaaS is a digital building lot where specialists can install required operating systems and application software. In the IaaS model, users have to maintain applications and operating systems themselves by installing patches and functional updates. The price in this model is calculated according to the amount of resources rented from data centers and the amount of resources that was consumed during the billing period.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

This model usually comes with a pre-configured environment to install and run applications. A platform often includes an operating system selected by a customer, a specific environment configured for a particular programming language, a database with corresponding management tools, and a web server.

Since many aspects of the PaaS model are managed by its provider, clients have less control over their platforms in comparison to the IaaS model, for example. On the other hand, this means that software developers who work on platforms can focus on their tasks more effectively and do not have to worry about handling a complex infrastructure and its maintenance.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

This model allows users to access and use a particular software product installed on a cloud offered by a cloud service provider. Similar to other cloud service models, SaaS is subscription-based. This means it grants a temporary license to use web-hosted software. However, usually this model has a “freemium” feature, where users can use some basic functions free of charge, but advanced functions require payment. Access to such software is provided through a web browser.

SaaS includes a wide range of specialized computer programs that can be used by software development companies. Most often, they are various enterprise management systems that increase the productivity of different departments. For example, such software includes systems for enterprise resource planning, human resource management, content management, invoicing, and so on. Other types of SaaS are, for example, office software suites, messengers, software for computer-aided design, database management systems, project management tools, and others.

Applications distributed using a SaaS model have several characteristic features that must be taken into account. First, such applications have only one version or configuration, so there are no version conflicts among various workstations using the same app. Second, SaaS apps are hosted centrally, meaning that if a provider decides to implement an update, all users have to comply. There is no option for users to keep an old version of a cloud-based app, as it would be possible, for example, for desktop-installed software.

Growing demand of cloud computing

The growing demand and diversity of needs from clients resulted in new models of cloud computing. They have appeared relatively recently and have not yet gained the same popularity as the three “conventional” models listed above. The examples of such new types include Function as a service (FaaS) and Mobile backend as a service (MBaaS).

The Benefits of Cloud Computing in Software Development

These days, users are so accustomed to the benefits of cloud technologies that it is hard to imagine a modern world without them. It’s no wonder, considering the level of convenience they bring to everyday life. However, the full range of advantages offered by cloud services also covers many professional aspects.

Benefits of cloud computing

  1. Cost efficiency. The biggest advantage of cloud computing is its reduced cost in comparison to purchased hardware. Depending on the models, in some cases, there are even free tiers where basic services are provided for free, and the rest require monthly or annual subscriptions.
  2. Location-independent development. Cloud services are available worldwide. Basically, if a place has Internet access, then clients can use cloud technologies from there. This means that the development team can be distributed around the world. For example, in the case of a large project, one group of specialists may work from an office in London, and other groups may be located in San Francisco, New York, Oslo, and other global IT hubs.
  3. Extended user reach. When an application is deployed in a cloud, it becomes available globally. Usually, cloud service providers take required measures to reduce the latency so that users of cloud-based apps have low response times regardless of their location. Additionally, cloud applications require only a web browser, and hardware specifications of user devices are of less importance because most computations are performed in the cloud and not on the client side.
  4. Increased scalability. One of the most convenient features of cloud technologies is their ability to scale up or down. It means that developers may add extra resources when they are needed or remove unused resources to save costs. Additionally, cloud services usually support both horizontal and vertical scaling. For example, to handle a peak load event, they can allocate more RAM and CPU cores or more servers with a load balancer. Scaling may be performed manually or automatically based on a preset configuration.
  5. Less maintenance. Depending on the model, hardware and software maintenance can be the duty of a cloud service provider. Though the cost of maintenance is included in the subscription price, it is cheaper than performing it on the premises. This way, cloud service users do not have to hire technicians for this task, buy parts for server repairs or upgrades, and so on, unless they have a private cloud.
  6. Improved security and disaster recovery. Cloud service providers invest in data protection measures because they have their business reputation on the line. Due to distributed data storage and backup means, the chance of data loss is usually lower than in the case of storing information on the premises.
  7. Higher productivity. Clouds allow multiple people to work on the same project at the same time, which is invaluable for development teams. Besides, cloud technologies include many systems to optimize the management of tasks, projects, departments, and enterprises.

Challenges and Risks of Cloud Computing in Software Engineering

Challenges and risks of cloud computing

  1. Security issues. Due to data centralization, storing information on a cloud is like putting all your eggs into one basket. A well-configured private cloud is an excellent storage solution, but if it is breached, the results can be disastrous. Public clouds are far less reliable, as proven, for example, by several breaches of WD’s My Cloud and Apple’s iCloud services. As the number of such breaches rises, more IT specialists express their concerns with cloud computing.
  2. Reliance on service providers. To access cloud services, you need both an Internet provider and a cloud provider. If any of them is down or experiences difficulties, clients won’t be able to use their clouds. In such cases, the work processes of teams and entire companies may be compromised. This potential risk factor is among the main disadvantages of cloud computing.

Final Words

Thanks to its numerous advantages, cloud computing in software engineering has become a popular standard. That’s why, in Intellectsoft, we extensively utilize and implement cloud technologies. Our specialists understand the importance of cloud computing and have mastered the skills to implement them in custom software. Contact us and hire a reliable, professional team for cloud computing solutions.

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The Future of Business Banking Thu, 20 Apr 2023 06:02:45 +0000 The global pandemic has altered the way many companies do business. It was a sharp learning curve, forcing us to sink or swim. Like many...

The post The Future of Business Banking appeared first on Intellectsoft Blog.

The global pandemic has altered the way many companies do business. It was a sharp learning curve, forcing us to sink or swim.

Like many industries, the banking sector wasn’t immune to the tsunami of instability – quite the contrary. Covid-19 was only the start of uncertainty. It may have been the catalyst for rising interest rates, inflation, and political disruption, but what has become unquestionable is the fragility of financial institutions.

So, where does this leave commercial and business banking? To understand the challenges it faces, one needs to identify the threats.

Accelerated digital banking, a surge in cyber hacking, geopolitical threats, and climate change are all disruptive forces that can potentially reshape the sector.

According to The Banking in 2035: global banking survey report, about 76% of banking executives surveyed believed the industry has an obligation to address societal needs and issues, while 82% were of the opinion that financial services organizations can simultaneously better society while pursuing profit.

Opinions on the future of banking

How do banks go about doing this? By prioritizing client needs without compromising on profit. In this article, we’ll take a look at the future of business banking and how adopting certain business models can help you be at the forefront of future banking trends.

Future Business Models and Competitive Arenas in Business Banking

In the ever-changing business landscape, banking institutions have to fight to stay relevant. According to EIU’s financial outlook 2023 report, fintech and cryptocurrency sellers will find it harder to weather the storm.

Adapting to your new reality isn’t always easy, but adjusting your business model is one way of keeping abreast of the latest developments.

Banks that are open to change can benefit directly from disruptions “by combining their unparalleled domain expertise, reputation, and relationships with innovations in technology and a client-centric approach,” said Dr. Christian Thun while writing for Moody’s Analytics Risk Management: The Decade Ahead.

“Fortunately, the business banking sector has proven its resilience over the past decade by bolstering their capital and liquidity positions, and leaving behind non-core activities and markets,” EIU’s financial outlook 2023 report found.

It also sets up the sector for benefiting from future trends by improving digital services, becoming more financially inclusive, and investing in sustainable banking services.

So, what will business banking look like in the future?

Accenture’s Global Banking Lead Michael Abbott’s predictions could soon become a reality. According to him, business and corporate banks’ innovative products could mirror that of the Amazon Prime model.

Just like mobile platforms, banks will take a dip into the metaverse, which will open a world of possibilities, but Abbott warns this won’t be without risk.

As a way of outperforming their peers, banks must help their clients solve their problems rather than increase their customer base. This taps into the notion of “life centricity”, whereby institutions take a holistic approach to customer wellbeing.

Abbott also believes data should be viewed as a product “that has the potential to transform the foundations of banking.”

The Banking in 2035: global banking survey report mirrored Abbott’s predictions when listing its most important outcomes for banks over the coming decade, with improved cybersecurity and data protection leading the pack with 46%.

The Impact of Data and Money Regulation on Business Banking

Banking regulations are a way of enforcing rules to protect the client, ensure financial stability and prevent financial crime. By design, they ensure sound banking practices.

Who regulates the banking system? In the US, four federal agencies have been tasked with this duty, namely the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Reserve System, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Easier access to data has become a building block for successful business practices, and a way of doing this is via application programming interfaces. APIs have been utilized in the banking sector for years, even more so in recent times.

But like other innovations, data sharing raises questions around privacy and regulations in the digital market.

The 2007-2009 financial crisis was a huge eye-opener for banks, prompting governments to install their own initiatives.

OECD cited an example of this with the 2015 EU Payment Services Directive II (PSD2) – a regulation that aims to enhance competition by granting open access to certain types of customer banking data for nonbank licensed providers.

During its research into Digital Disruption in Banking and its Impact on Competition, the NPO mentioned how Japan revised its Banking Act in 2017 to include provisions encouraging banks to open their APIs and facilitating banks’ acquisition of or collaboration with FinTech firms.

Nonetheless, banks can leverage their digital technologies in response to regulatory authorities’ questions by improving both regulation and supervision and, in turn, helping regulators and firms decrease the costs of compliance, OECD recommended.

Implementing Digital Transformation for Business Banking

Customer expectations are growing, and so too should your business if you want to grow with them.

Digital transformation is a given when it comes to business banking. By taking advantage of the huge data pool, businesses can automate processes and reduce costs.

Simple changes such as AI, cloud technology, and automation can help improve services and functionality, resulting in customer loyalty.

Below are the key drivers to consider when going digital:

Implementing transformation in business banking

Customer Needs

Here’s where data aggregation takes the lead. It can be challenging at times, but analyzing it leads to a clearer understanding of who your customer is and your targeted audience.

When segmenting your strategy, consider the following: Which products are generating the most profit? Which of your digital services mostly appeal to your customer? Which new offerings could encourage growth?

The intention here is to offer digital services via targeted marketing.

Cloud-based Systems

Previously, business banking was only sought out by big corporations and brands. It was associated with companies that had clout behind their names. Today, the environment is fast-changing and becoming accessible and inclusionary.

With a complete cloud-based system, banks can close the socio-economic gap by offering full access and functionality to clients, from loan applications to international money transfers.

However, there are setbacks to using this type of technology. Old legacy software systems might not be adaptable to comply with new software. The challenge coming with this is the huge costs involved to ensure a fully integrable system.

Thankfully, there is a workaround – some cloud-based technologies are consumption-based, meaning clients can experiment with them before doing a complete rollout.

Compliance Ready

Regulatory requirements are growing steadily, and to make sure your systems are compliant, you need to keep up-to-date of the latest rules and regulations governing the banking sector.

Dismissing these could lead to costly repercussions, which could easily have been avoided.


In June 2022, Flagstar Bank, one of the USA’s largest financial providers, fell victim to a massive data breach whereby the Social Security numbers of almost 1.5 million customers were leaked.

Initially, the bank failed to disclose how cybercriminals hacked into the system, but investigations showed that the attack may have happened as early as December 2021, highlighting the urgent need for ransomware protection.

The Credit Sussie data leak from February 2022 saw the details of accounts linked to 30 000 of its clients leaked. This resulted in one of the world’s biggest private banks having to do brand damage control after it was discovered some of its clients built their wealth on drug trafficking, money laundering, and corruption.

Building the Future of Banking

Overall, banks should future-proof themselves by investing in products that give them a competitive edge. This doesn’t only apply to business banking; commercial banks are finding themselves in the same boat, jostling for a larger clientele.

Major trends are reshaping the industry, forcing the sector to evolve instead of fighting against the current. The good news is that digital business banking has embraced rapid change, considering the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns the world is currently experiencing.

Australian author James A. Gardner poured his years of experience as a career innovator into his book ‘Innovation and the Future Proof Bank: A Practical Guide to Doing Different Business-as-Usual.’ In it, he discusses in detail how banking institutions can become future-proof by “leveraging the power of the new to establish unexpected revenue lines, or make old ones grow.”

Steps to Success in Digital Business Banking

According to Statista, about 27% of Americans use an online-only bank, and 60% of consumers say they are very interested in using digital banking in the next year.

Statistics on digital business banking usage

If your company is not using innovation and the latest technology to snag customers, you’re setting yourself up for failure. How do you go about rewriting your success story?

For starters, by hiring a reliable and professional fintech software development partner, you’re already halfway to reaching your goal.

Intellectsoft is a financial software development company that helps clients accelerate innovation by creating tailor-made software solutions.

Why Choose Intellectsoft?

Specializing in banking and financial institutions, Intellectsoft has a proven track record. Our clients include some of the most prominent brands in the world, including the NHS, Universal, and Jaguar.

Some of the financial software development services we offer are online banking, blockchain and cryptocurrencies, digital wallets, AI and ML, trading and securities, and robotic process automation (RPA).

To Sum Up

One positive that the pandemic produced was the uptake of digital payments. About two-thirds of adults worldwide now make or receive a digital payment, resulting in growing developing economies from 35% in 2014 to 57% in 2021, the World Bank found.

One could look at it as purpose-driven banking, a social responsibility of sorts, which we may add, has been predicted to be another big banking trend in the next decade. Banks that are more engaged with societal issues could have the biggest positive impact.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella once said, “Longevity in this business is about being able to reinvent yourself or invent the future.”

It’s fitting words, considering the world is always in flux. Reinvention is the name of the game. Ask yourself, can you afford to be left behind? If the answer is negative, get in touch with us to get the most efficient digital business or commercial banking solution.

The post The Future of Business Banking appeared first on Intellectsoft Blog.

Why Quality Assurance is Crucial for Software Development? Thu, 30 Mar 2023 08:58:27 +0000 Regardless of the scale, software development always involves an investment of resources. If the quality of the final product is failing, the resources will be...

The post Why Quality Assurance is Crucial for Software Development? appeared first on Intellectsoft Blog.

Regardless of the scale, software development always involves an investment of resources. If the quality of the final product is failing, the resources will be wasted. The funds will be gone forever and the investors will lose money, time, as well as potential profits and sometimes even damage their reputation. That’s why quality assurance is perhaps the most prioritized process in software development.

What is Quality Assurance in Software Development?

Quality assurance, or simply QA, is a complex process that covers several stages of ensuring the required standards of quality. In software development, this process involves a wide range of measures and starts long before writing the first lines of code. It includes proper planning of the development process, as well as evaluating, controlling, and testing the quality of a product throughout its creation. QA also covers optimization and reporting routines which will be described later in this article, along with other components of quality assurance.

What is quality assurance

The Role of Quality Assurance in Software Development

One can safely say that quality assurance is of vital importance in software development. It is true not only because of financial reasons. Though business priorities always revolve around money, QA also protects reputation. A software product with subpar quality can lead not only to financial losses but also to the loss of trust of customers and business partners. This could be a fatal blow to the startup or a company.

As a result, entrepreneurs highly appreciate the importance of QA, particularly in the field of IT. They understand that time and money spent on ensuring the quality of a software product are fully justified. It is highly important to find and correct errors in software as early as possible. The longer those flaws remain undetected and unresolved, the bigger risk they represent and the more difficult it is to fix them.

The role of QA in software development is much larger than just testing and finding bugs. It goes beyond quality control to the field of methodology. In particular, quality assurance deals with means and standards to organize the development process in such a way that prevents the appearance of errors. In other words, QA specialists research how to satisfy the client’s requirements while eliminating potential vulnerabilities and defects. This analysis at an early stage of development prevents a lot of trouble that may arise at subsequent stages.

The Quality Assurance Process in Software Development

Considering its major importance, quality assurance is not performed chaotically but as a strictly specified process. Some people, who are familiar with various models of the SDLC, believe that QA is just a step generally called “testing” in this process. However, this common misconception is far from the truth.

Difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control

Quality assurance extends throughout the whole software development process. Let’s take, for example, a conventional “waterfall” model of the software development life cycle. It has five phases or stages: analysis, design, coding, testing, and operations. The purpose of QA is to make sure that all the processes in those phases are performed according to the respective quality standards.

Product testing is the task of Quality Control (QC), which in its turn is a component of an extensive Quality Assurance (QA) routine. It is a crucial stage before the deployment or release of a software product. However, it is necessary to distinguish QA and QC.

Quality Control focuses on ensuring the quality of a product by performing tests, finding flaws, and correcting them. QC also determines if the product meets the client’s requirements. Testing, bug fixing, optimization, and other aspects of Quality Control must be completed before the product or feature moves to the deployment stage of the development process.

Quality Assurance oversees the processes during software development to prevent errors by abiding standards, implementing efficiency metrics, performing verifications, etc. So, the main difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control is that QA is more extensive and process-oriented, while QC is more focused and product-oriented.

QA Standards for Software Development

To make quality requirements more uniform, engineers have designed specific strict rules and practices to be applied in various industries. The International Standards Organization has a family of standards for quality management labeled ISO 9000. Within this family, the document ISO/IEC/IEEE 90003:2018 sets specific guidelines for implementing the standard ISO 9001 for a quality management system in the field of software engineering.

Most Common Techniques in QA

Quality Assurance specialists have several methods and established processes at their disposal. As an example, five of the most widely used techniques in the context of software development are briefly described below.

Quality assurance methods in software development

  1. Standardization. This technique is used to determine whether the product, feature, or process satisfies the applied standard. In this context, the standard in question is usually ISO 9001.
  2. Code review. This activity represents the “classic testing” aimed at finding bugs in the code and is most commonly associated with QA. This is one of the crucial steps to prevent flaws from becoming bigger problems at subsequent stages of the software development life cycle.
  3. Simulation. This technique allows developers to observe how the simulated program would behave under normal working conditions. This is done when the software build is not ready physically, so a virtual model is created.
  4. Functional testing. Specialists use this technique to see what the current build of the software can do in the context of its intended functions.
  5. Stress testing. As the name implies, stress testing is intended to show how the software can handle situations that exceed normal working parameters. For example, one of the most common scenarios is the performance of an app when too many users are trying to access it at the same time.

It should be noted that this list is merely illustrative and not exhaustive. Many other techniques can be used for QA purposes, including auditing, static testing, design analysis, etc.

PDCA Cycle in Software Development

One of the quality assurance methods in software development is the PDCA cycle. It is used as a repetitive process of making changes for the improvement and optimization of features and products. The cycle consists of four steps that are repeated until all flaws are corrected. The names of the steps make up the abbreviation “PDCA”:

Quality assurance process in software development

  • Plan. In this step, the specialists pinpoint the problem that must be corrected. If several problems are discovered, then priorities must be established. Each problem or flaw is considered an opportunity to make an improvement. Then specialists set the objectives and design the optimal course of action. They define the schedule with deadlines and assign executives to carry out every set task.
  • Do. The plan is set to action. The assigned specialists with the required skills perform every objective according to the plan. This process is monitored, and data is gathered to be analyzed later.
  • Check. Now, the actions performed in the second step are analyzed, and conclusions regarding the results are made. If those actions were not enough to achieve improvement, further adjustments are planned.
  • Act. The final step is taking an action based on the analysis conducted in the third step and all the data collected during the previous three steps. If the problem is solved, the measures that were taken to fix it are recorded as a solution for further reference. This way, if a similar problem occurs in the future, there will be a proven detailed way to fix it. If the problem still persists, the initial plan and objectives are adjusted based on obtained data, and the cycle repeats until a proper solution is found.

In software development, the PDCA cycle not only leads to the improvement of the product but also enhances the existing methods of Quality Assurance and Control. The documentation of problems and processes helps in finding new solutions and preserving effective ways of finding and preventing flaws. It also helps in teaching specialists about newly invented tools and practices of QA.

Benefits of Quality Assurance in Software Development

Since QA is focused on improving the quality of a software product, it has an immense potential of providing various advantages both for product owners as well as for users. Let’s review the benefits that arise from better quality.

Benefits of quality assurance in software development

  1. Higher efficiency. A top-quality software product runs much better than one with subpar quality. This means that the software performs its intended functions faster, which saves users’ time and improves productivity.
  2. Better reliability. QA ensures that the final product is safe to use and can handle prolonged sessions of uninterrupted use as well as stress conditions. For example, a software product will not crash under heavy loads, which prevents data loss or other harmful aftermaths.
  3. Improved security. Quality Assurance is essential for providing the best possible protection of confidential data, which is one of the main requirements across all industries. This is especially true for such areas as healthcare, retail, and other businesses that deal with personal information, payments, etc. For example, Quality Assurance is responsible for making a healthcare software application HIPAA-compliant. QA ensures that storages that contain sensitive data are protected from break-ins and the related infrastructure is secure against malicious attacks.
  4. Enhanced functionality. As a result of QA processes, the final software product should have all the intended functions as set in the specifications. Quality Assurance oversees the proper implementation of the functions and the correct integration of the software into its working environment, infrastructure, networks, etc.
  5. Easier maintenance. QA makes sure that the software product can be easily maintained and adjusted according to changed conditions, if necessary. Even when a client requires a limited set of software features, Quality Assurance specialists should enable the possibility of adding more features in the future. According to QA practices, a software product must be allowed to evolve and improve.

All the listed advantages ultimately lead to one: benefit your business. A quality software product will earn more money for its owners. It will be more effective and easier to use, which will draw more loyal clients. Moreover, a software product created according to quality standards will promote its owners’ business, earning respect and building a good reputation.


As you can see, Quality Assurance is a crucial part of the software development process. Due to its extreme importance, QA must be performed and managed by highly skilled specialists. Moreover, they should be organized into established teams with effective communication, reporting, and feedback, as well as specialized equipment.

If you want to ensure the flawless quality of your product, contact us. Intellectsoft has 15+ years of experience to provide you with a wide range of QA and testing services. Our Quality Assurance engineers will oversee the whole software development life cycle and perform comprehensive testing and optimization. They will make sure that your product is built according to your requirements and in  line with quality standards. Our company is ISO 9001-certified, so the quality of your software will be the responsibility of approved top-tier professionals.

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Custom Software Advantages and Disadvantages Thu, 16 Mar 2023 13:00:30 +0000 Many companies find it difficult to decide between developing custom software and buying commercially available software. Custom-built software is made to meet particular requirements. On...

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Many companies find it difficult to decide between developing custom software and buying commercially available software. Custom-built software is made to meet particular requirements. On the other hand, pre-made software is less expensive and saves time. Hence, the dilemma.

This is why understanding custom software advantages and disadvantages is necessary. By doing this, you can weigh the advantages and disadvantages to determine whether or not customized solutions are appropriate for your overall business needs.

You can choose the best option for your brand using certain prerequisites. This includes the size of your organization, the difficulty of your work, the types of customers you serve, your plans for scaling up, and the profitability of the solution.

In this article, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of bespoke software. But first, let’s examine what custom software entails and why business leaders should give careful consideration to this choice.

What Does Custom Software Mean?

The process of developing custom-built solutions involves creating, designing, launching, and maintaining applications specifically for a set of end-users, functionalities, or brands. Comparatively, commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS) is a tailored solution with features adapted to generic market needs.

Businesses occasionally require specialized solutions to handle challenges peculiar to their processes or sector. While it may be easier to deploy, COTS just doesn’t solve those problems.

This is why bespoke software has become popular for small-scale businesses and enterprises. However, there are many more custom software benefits beyond customization.

Advantages of Custom Software 

Are you planning to solve a problem in your market? Building a custom-made solution might be your best chance. Below are some benefits of custom software development:

Custom software benefits

Personalized Solution for Your Brand Only

This is one of the notable advantages of custom-made software over off-the-shelf software. Bespoke solutions allow you to build exactly what your business wants or needs.

This means you can solve a specific problem rather than respond to a generic market. As such, you will differentiate your business and have a competitive edge. You will also have full control over the software, meaning you can make changes at any time, add key features, and implement customer feedback.

More Customer Personalization 

The modern user wants a personalized experience, not a generic-looking service. In fact, 80% of customers are more likely to patronize a business that provides a tailored experience. This is because customers want to feel like they’re being treated as a person.

With customized software development, you can provide more personalized solutions and add value to the business-customer relationship. This is bound to increase customer loyalty, retention, and satisfaction.

Better Return on Investment

Although high cost is one of the disadvantages of custom-made software, there is a better ROI in the long run. You won’t have to pay for unnecessary hardware or pointless features you don’t need. If your software is worth the value, it’s a smart investment regardless of cost.

Scalability and Flexibility

Every business wants to grow. However, using off-the-shelf solutions is as good as setting yourself up to remain stagnant for a long time.

Scaling ready-made solutions to meet company growth or new market demands is almost impossible. They can’t be manipulated at will, and you may infringe licensing contracts if you do.

However, custom software development grows with your business to meet future needs and requirements. You can make changes at any time based on customer feedback, upgrade based on emerging technologies, and conduct regular maintenance.

Seamless Integration

If your business has existing tools or technologies, building custom software facilitates seamless integration. You might want all business systems to communicate with one another or need to create interfaces that make data exchange smoother.

These functionalities are often challenging to find in a ready-built tool, especially due to arbitrary APIs. However, this compatibility can be included in a custom-made application. Although there may be some alternatives for off-the-shelf software to merge with other programs, this integration may not be as seamless as you might prefer.

Enhanced Security 

Since you’re building from scratch, you have control over software security by creating it in. Off-the-shelf software is notoriously easy to hack because they use open-source code and are available to everyone. This means attackers already know the vulnerabilities of such software.

On the other hand, custom-made software is a closed-source project. In addition, your developers can observe secure DevOps even before writing the first line of code.

Improved Software Support

Custom software has the assurance of a reliable technical support team involved during the development life cycle. They can deal with any problem because they are familiar with your software.

You’ll get a swifter response and resolution time as long as you include Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in your contracts.

Note that support is usually out of your hands with ready-made solutions.

Disadvantages of Custom-Made Software

Bespoke software solutions aren’t all roses. There are a few drawbacks to note before you begin development.

Let’s look at the disadvantages of custom software:

Disadvantages of custom-made software

High Upfront Cost

Perhaps the biggest flip side to bespoke software is the initial investment. Developing customized software can be expensive because you’re starting from scratch.

While this upfront cost may yield better ROI in the long run, it can be challenging for certain organizations without sufficient finance.

However, the increased productivity your employees will experience, the competitive edge for your business, and the personalization for your customers will rapidly compensate for the expenditure.

Longer Time-to-Market

Custom software can take time to develop and deploy into the market. This can be a problem for businesses that want to get a solution into the market quickly. Depending on your needs and project specifications, it takes around 4-9 months while off-the-shelf software is ready to use.

Bespoke software requires organizations to invest time into providing specific requirements to the outsourcing vendor or in-house development team.

Time will also be dedicated to developing and testing software from a user’s perspective. This may include multiple iterations and bug fixes before getting the desired results.

Risk of Choosing the Wrong Vendor

There is the risk of choosing a wrong outsourcing company to develop your custom software. Unfortunately, picking an unprofessional vendor might cost you even more. This is because you would have invested time and money into a project that won’t be completed or won’t be built to satisfaction.

Choosing a reliable software development partner to outsource your project is essential for the best outcomes.

Why Choose Intellectsoft for Custom Software Development

Intellectsoft is a best-in-class software development company with over 16 years of experience in custom software development across different industries. We have a track record of the world’s leading enterprises and Fortune 500 companies.

At Intellectsoft, our professional services cover software engineering, consulting, and outsourcing. We understand that pricing can be a concern in bespoke software development. As such, we provide a competitive and reasonable pricing model that fits your budget and business needs.

We consider time-to-market, so we provide a dedicated team for your project. Our team of skilled developers is happy to get to work immediately after signing a contract.

You can also check out our client success stories involving small-scale businesses to enterprises. We have provided custom-made solutions to companies in oil & gas, transportation, entertainment, fintech, construction, tourism, and healthcare, among many others.

Final Words

Each organization has unique requirements. Most of them are aware that commercial software won’t live up to their expectations or solve the problems their customers face.

You know your customers’ pain points more than anyone because they are the center of your business. Once you understand the problems your customers face, you’ll be able to develop custom software solutions that address those issues.

As a rule of thumb, you should have software that can accommodate your company’s requirements, which is not always the case with off-the-shelf solutions. This is why businesses hire a development team to build unique applications that satisfy their needs and requirements.

In addition, bespoke software provides customers with more personalization. This is likely to generate higher customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

Ultimately, the pros of customized software outweigh the cons. Building bespoke software is your best chance to succeed if you want a competitive advantage and make a real difference in the market.

Do you have a big idea in mind? Then you should get the best hands for the job. Our team of experts at Intellectsoft is more than happy to discuss your project.

Regardless of industry or company size, you can trust us to successfully implement your business requirements. Contact us today, and our managers will answer any questions you may have.

The post Custom Software Advantages and Disadvantages appeared first on Intellectsoft Blog.

All You Need to Know about IT Consulting Services in 2023 Thu, 09 Mar 2023 09:09:49 +0000 Some business owners believe that they alone know best what is good for their companies. Even for people with great experience, it could not be...

The post All You Need to Know about IT Consulting Services in 2023 appeared first on Intellectsoft Blog.

Some business owners believe that they alone know best what is good for their companies. Even for people with great experience, it could not be farther from the truth. At all stages of new product development, companies need expert opinions and guidance from advisors, analytics, and consultants. This is especially important in the current digital era when computer technologies are essential for businesses in order to be productive, competitive, and popular. New technologies emerge extremely often, and the existing ones are constantly evolving. Only the most tenacious experts can keep up with all those changes. And such experts are the consultants you can rely on.

Why IT Consulting Is Important

Even highly successful enterprises can end up losing their dominance in the market or going bankrupt because they have failed to make proper use of digital technologies. One of the most illustrative examples of such a fall is the story of Blockbuster. In addition to bad financial decisions and unsuccessful business models, the company was too late to realize the potential of online services and make them appealing to customers.

On the other hand, Netflix turned essentially the same DVD rental business into an online empire that both distributes and produces digital content. Its success was shaped by the agile business strategy combined with the work of IT experts who advised, planned, built, and enhanced the required infrastructure. Now, thanks to timely IT consults, among other things, the annual revenue of Netflix is about 31.6 billion US dollars, and its users have convenient access to the impressive video library from their mobile devices, smart TVs, etc.

Netflix revenue generated chart

The lack of IT consulting caused many promising startups to crash and burn, burying great ideas and losing investment money. Still taking the video streaming industry as an example, Quiby and LeSports are two well-known failed startups that had the biggest funding. Each of them lost about 1.7 billion dollars of their respective investors’ money.

Any startup or enterprise should take into account the recommendations from both types of experts and treat them as equally important for future success.

Just like business advisors evaluate the financial perspectives of an enterprise, IT consultants focus on the practical implementation of digital technologies. Any startup or enterprise should take into account the recommendations from both types of experts and treat them as equally important for future success. So for the sake of business, it is simply not wise to follow financial advice and disregard the opinion of IT specialists, or vice versa.

What Are IT Consulting Services?

As the name suggests, IT consulting services are when a client turns to software development experts for advice. These specialists usually have significant experience and skills to deal with the hardest questions in their field. They analyze the needs of a client’s business and suggest the most efficient way to solve the existing problems, ensure productive operation, and chart the course for future development. This is a complex process that includes several stages with specific consulting on each of them.

A good IT consulting company always researches the needs and capabilities of each particular client before suggesting a course of action. For startups, for example, a simple mobile or web app might be enough to showcase their features, provide basic functionality, and draw first customers without going overboard with the budget.

For large-scale enterprises, it depends on how “digitized” they want to become. For whatever reasons, some of them intend to remain as “traditional” as possible and stick to “analog” methods with minimum essential digital technologies. Most likely, such businesses will need the same basic services as many startups, unless the consultants persuade them to make more drastic changes in order to fit better in the modern world.

However, many modern companies are not afraid to undergo a complete digital transformation and integrate IT solutions into all stages of operation. This task involves building a complex infrastructure that allows remote monitoring and management. It also binds all activities and departments into one robust network. Correspondingly, the scope and complexity of IT consulting services required for such customers increase greatly.

Stages of IT consulting

As a rule, the process of IT consulting has a certain flow, meaning different sets of services take place in a predetermined order. Generally, experts recognize four main stages of IT consulting:

4 stages of IT consulting

  1. Requirements analysis and feasibility investigation. At this stage, IT specialists take a close look at their client’s idea and define what it is going to take to turn the idea into reality. The experts determine whether it is physically possible to realize the client’s wish and how to do it effectively given the current state of technology. They also estimate the rough budget of the future endeavor to correlate it with the investment fund and intended profits.
  2. Solution specification and structure development. After it has been determined that the client’s idea can be realized within the given budget, it’s time to elaborate on its implementation. The IT consultants plan and specify the architecture and structure of the proposed solution, whether it is a single application, several apps integrated into a common platform, or a complex work environment comprising several systems. The experts also determine the optimal tech stack for a solution or for all its parts, if needed. According to the determined set of technologies and the scale of the projects, the IT consultants can also estimate the number of team members required to deliver the solution.
  3. Scalability and integration research. Depending on the scope of a project, the consulting specialists should suggest implementing the scalability feature. This way, the delivered solution can be extended and upgraded as the business grows. IT specialists can also foresee and provide the requirements for the future integration of a solution into a system that unifies several modules or applications into a single work infrastructure.
  4. Modeling and simulation. When the structure and scale of the solution are outlined, tech specialists can evaluate its behavior under various conditions. These IT consulting services involve careful modeling of the proposed solution taking into account the scale of the business, the stack of technologies, and other factors. Then, this model is tested by simulating possible stress situations to find the vulnerabilities. Ultimately, the IT consultants come up with measures to make the solution more secure and robust against malicious attacks, heavy loads, or other threats.

It should be noted that a customer may order any particular stage separately if they are sure that the rest of the consulting services are not needed. However, it is more beneficial when the whole process is performed without omissions.

Benefits of IT Consulting Services

Now, when we have defined IT consulting services, let’s see how they can benefit your business.

6 benefits of IT consulting

  1. You will get a sensible evaluation of your business concept. If you come up with a new business idea, you may be biased and overconfident in your insights. That’s why it is always better to get an outside perspective from a group of experts. This can prevent a financial disaster at the earliest stage before it leads to heavy losses.
  2. You will get comprehensive technical advice on the optimal ways to realize your business concept. Simply put, the IT consultants will tell you exactly what types of software and tech you need to get an effective solution. Whether you need a mobile app, a web app, an enterprise management system, or any other software product, the experts will tell you what technologies are optimal for building it and how many developers should be involved.
  3. You will get estimated budget calculations. Based on the tech stack and the size of the development team, IT consultants will draft an approximate budget. Depending on your needs, it may include development, deployment, and post-release support.
  4. You won’t have to worry about the quality and security of your software solution. IT consultants will recommend putting it to extensive tests to detect weaknesses and find ways to fix them. Usually, the consulting specialists work alongside the skilled developers who will perform this task at your request. Sometimes, IT consultants themselves have the required skills and experience to provide both consulting and development services. If so, they can suggest testing, perform tests, and fix the found flaws in the software. This way, your digital infrastructure will be fool-proof, robust under load or during accidents, and protected against unauthorized access. As a result, your enterprise will have a safe and smooth flow of operations and tightly secured documentation and other sensitive data.
  5. You won’t fall behind your competitors due to outdated technologies. The consultants will suggest the ways and the tech to modernize your existing environment with minimum downtime and a reasonable budget.
  6. You will increase the productivity of your business. Switching to modern technologies under IT consultants’ guidance will boost the performance of your existing business and processes. New tech requires investments but gives much more in return: higher efficiency, lower costs, less maintenance, and as a result – more potential revenue.

Why Choose Intellectsoft for IT Consulting

Considering the risks and the impact of decisions, IT consulting should be performed by highly experienced specialists who take full responsibility for their advice. Over the last 15+ years, Intellectsoft has gathered a skilled team of professionals to provide a wide range of consulting services, including:

  1. Enterprise architecture consulting;
  2. Digital strategy consulting;
  3. Software requirements consulting;
  4. Data security consulting;
  5. Emergency recovery consulting, etc.

So, if you need comprehensive research, reasonable opinions, and expert advice, contact us. Our specialists will help you to get a head start with the new business, perform a digital transformation of your existing company, or develop a custom IT solution from scratch for any given task.

The post All You Need to Know about IT Consulting Services in 2023 appeared first on Intellectsoft Blog.
