Cleaning with E-Cloth

What is the best part about using E-Cloth? Amber Hendrickson, owner of Bubbles and Buckets, explains why commercial cleaning businesses should try cleaning with just water and E-Cloth.

How does E-Cloth compare to conventional cleaning supplies and liquid chemical cleaners? Discover the multitude of benefits E-Cloth offers commercial cleaning professionals.

Discover how a cleaning service went from battling streaks and lint with liquid chemicals to achieving pristine results with just water and E-Cloth.

In a world where sustainability is taking center stage, the business of cleaning is searching for ways to reduce its carbon footprint without compromising effectiveness and quality. Cleaning with just water may seem like a dream, but innovative solutions like E-Cloth are making this dream a reality.

Our 8-piece Home Cleaning Set won the Good Housekeeping Award for the "Do-It-All-Set" category. Good Housekeeping, a 137 year old American publication, ran an article in its August issue that highlights the best cleaning and organizational products. Our 8 piece set made the list. It’s just not possible to clean everything with one single wash cloth. That’s why E-Cloth decided to create a line of cleaning cloths that can do the job right, no matter what you’re trying to clean. So, what are you waiting for? Check out the 8 Piece Home Cleaning Set today and see for yourself why this is a must-have for every household.

There are many ways you can go green with your cleaning routine without compromising standards of hygiene and maintenance. You don’t need to keep buying single-use disposable refills and chemical spray cleaners; all you need is a microfiber mop and water.

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